21 August 2007

Day 1

Day1 (monday).
Sorry about the post being late. I only set up the blog on sunday evening and got the basics up yesterday. So here is how yesterday went for me:

Didn't get up on time as I had trouble sleeping. However all was not lost. I went for my walk, sadly it was during the evening and not the morning as planned, but a walk is better than no walk.

I was a little nervous at first. I walked with my bike. It took about 15 minutes and I walked at a steady pace. When I got to the subway I stopped, took a picture of it and walked back home.

The only times that I felt really bad were when leaving the house, when seeing other people, and when starting to walk back. I think that when I was going back I realised actually how far I had gone, home seemed further away then the subway had done when I was at home.


Kerenhappuch said...

Well done - now add your blog address to all your emails so that people can find you easily, and add some photos of yourself and where you are going to make it all more interesting.
Good luck and nihil desperandum, fortune favours the brave.

Aimée said...

Congrats! Thats awesome that you did it on your first try. :)

Graeme K Talboys said...

Great stuff. A really good start.

tea and cake said...

I am full of admiration for you - You Did It!

As grum says, it's a good start!

Drags said...

way to go john. we're all behind you...as we've said before, 'small steps...'